
about me

hey there! the government calls me maura but cool and hot people call me diwa ! i'm an anthropology major wtih a huge passion for esports, gaming, and online cultures and communities. M more importantly, i'm an avid hobby collector which is one of the reasons this website exists! E

on some of my hobbies: i'm a reformed league of legends degen, a gym gremlin, a spreadsheet-having sims 2 enjoyer, and i LOVE karaoke! H i also enjoy community building and you bet i'm yapping a few ears off at the next event or party about catgirls, culture, or cringe.

if you'd like to get to know me better, my social media accounts are listed in the contact page! you can also read the blog if you're more curious about my opinions or the thoughts i hold dear. j

about sidequests! with diwa

this website was created to house my hobbies, interests, and thoughts i, and i'm hoping that i can use this to share my experiences, opinions, and creations to the worldwide web in a way that feels genuinely me (and uniquely mine).

i am, for all intents and purposes, a simple hobbyist F, so i'm learning as i go, but i'm excited to see how this website grows and changes over time as i too grow and change as a person!

if you'd like to hear the story behind sidequests! with diwa, you can read about it on the pioneer blog post here!

recommended reading:

sidequests! with diwa is also my first foray into webmastery. the endless scroll and the parasocial drift of the social internet made me consider the value of setting up a blog in the peripheral web, like a vacation house you can retire to from time to time. d

perhaps one day i will sit down and write more of my thoughts about this, but here are some of the resources that have helped me shape my current opinions:

this is not the web i know by dave heinemann